Damn sad lah... I can't find any nice skins on blogskins . I did found a few lah. But it was not perfect. And the one that I posted in the template one got some shit ass problems. So I had to remove it. And resort to this default skin by blogspot. And so all the thing that were editted is not there no more. Shit rite? I have to search for all the linking again and paste it. I could do it now but I got this shit assed assignment to do... damn it!!!! Anybody out there good at designing skins or knows how to design skin? Can design a skin for us arh? Or you teach me lah. Then I can do one custom made one for my blog... Isk isk isk~ damn pissed over the blog's skin thing lah... Anyways, something else that is not so angry from me is... I was reading some blogs and found out some damn funny abbreviations from some bloggers... damn funny lah... all this originated from their blogs k? Cannot find anywhere else. OMGBNN This one I read from Eevon 's blog. It...