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Special Announcement

So here's the situation...
My phone's Gallery is filled up with work stuff (and occasionally my selfie lol) more than photos that I've taken during MCO. Because of that I don't have many interesting things/photos to blog about my MCO. So I've decided to record videos instead and edit into vlogs to post up on my dead YouTube channel. But don't get too excited yet. I've only did two vlogs so far.

For now I've decided to post up one vlog per week. The first video is from two weeks ago and the one below it is from last week. Even if it is not a vlog, I'll probably post a video of some sort lah. I'll be needing ideas so it would be great if you guys would tell me what you would like to see. I'm still out of ideas for this week's video. So please comment your suggestions or if you know me personally, please text me your ideas.

It's been about four years since I last posted a vlog on my YouTube. After many years of watching a lot of YouTube videos/vlogs, I'm pretty sure my vlogs/videos are going to be better edited and with better content. Just that the video quality will be not as good coz most of the videos are taken with my phone. Too lazy to transfer footage from my camera to the computer, convert, edit etc. Maybe I'll do that in the future but not for now.

Okay lah. Just a short one to tell you guys about the vlogs/videos. Feel free to subscribe if you think my videos are interesting.

As for blog posts, I'll try to churn out once a week if I have the time. I'll still blog about my previous days of MCO coz I still want to have a record of the things that happened.

Alright I'll see you guys when I post.

Bubbye~ 😘
