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[Warning: Wordy post ahead]

Usually at the beginning of the year I'll do a review of my previous year's resolution and put out new ones for the year. This year however I'm gonna do something different. I am going to talk about what is going to happen around here in 2018.

For those who didn't know,  I've removed almost all of my blogposts dating from 2007 till 2017. This was coz Photobucket, who have been hosting my photos on the blog, had decided not to provide free photos hosting anymore.

All my pics became an ugly signage like above

I tried to save some of my posts before Photobucket permanently turned all my pics into this. But in the end I still have about 700+ posts unable to be saved.

I was of course devastated. I am not a famous blogger but I've spent 10 years sharing interesting events that happened to me on the blog. Most importantly there are many rather big events, like how I got together with SR, how he proposed and so on, all recorded here. Also, all my precious travel posts 😱😱😱 This blog served as a memory keeper of mine. But because of this change, I lost almost everything 😢

I nearly wanted to permanently delete the blog but I couldn't get myself to. There are really a lot of memories that are very precious to me that I hope I can keep it here forever. So in the end, I decided to just continue to blog despite having a lot of missing pieces hanging around.

For year 2018, I am planning to blog more consistently...whether over here or at my Dayre *here* (which I've been very good at keeping it in 2017). This one of my resolutions I guess. I wanted to set a schedule for blogging but with Zyon around, it is almost not possible. But I will see what I can do. My ideal schedule is to blog at least once a week 💪

Main topics for 2018 are still gonna be the same. About myself, Zyon, my family and my travels. But in addition to that, you will begin to see a lot of beauty posts as well. 2017 (actually since the end of 2016) I've discovered that beauty is something I am very passionate about. I've talked about beauty a lot on Dayre but I have no idea how long that platform is going to be around. So I thought might as well move it here where it is more secure.

I'm still working hard on changing up the appearance of my blog. I'm trying it to be easy to read and easy to navigate around different tabs and different other things. A lot of things are still work of progress. I hope to get everything up by March. If you guys have any suggestions on how to improve the appearance, feel free to comment below. Oh and if you guys have any suggestions for topic/blogposts you guys wanna see on the blog, comment below as well.

So now you might already found out that the pic above has nothing to do with this blogpost 😂 but all of us looked damn cute so it's there haha. Anyways I hope in 2018 I will be able to bring a new beginning to this blog. I'll try my best to make it livelier and not abandon it like I did in these couple of years.

Alright so this is another short one. The next post is I think I will do something beauty related. Probably gonna be my favorite beauty products of 2017. Then Bangkok trip posts will also be coming up. As for my 2018 resolutions, that will probably come...some time this year hahaha. It will come but don't know when lah 😂

I'll see you guys next week then.

Bubbye for now 😘
